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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

What are the advantages and disadvantages of weed?

                            Advantages and Disadvantages of Marijuana


Physical Benefits

The Physical benefits of marijuana are far-reaching, widespread, and long-term. Because of the way marijuana impacts the Autonomic Nervous System which expands the breath and relaxes the body, its potential for health and healing are enormous, and have been completely unrealized by Western Medicine.

Psychological Benefits

When we balance the Autonomic Nervous System, there is an effect on the mind that is both energizing and relaxing SIMULTANEOUSLY. In other words, we can think more clearly and more efficiently.

Spiritual Benefits

That which enlivens is understood as the SPIRIT. In these times of secular values, when the life force is not recognized as being an expression of the holy, when in fact, the notion of a plane of existence beyond the material is not acknowledged, the search for meaning nevertheless perseveres.
Today, in these darkest of times, hundreds of millions who pursue the journey inward to the universal core values, find that marijuana facilitates the search. As a religious sacrament, intuitively recognized by all for whom the sacred beckons, marijuana has been employed for thousands of years, crossing all geographical and ethnic barriers. Marijuana not only balances the body, and enhances our mental processes, it can also help (some of) us to perceive the abiding reality by raising our consciousness.

Medical Benefits

Marijuana has thousands of possible uses in medicine. Marijuana (actually cannabis extract) was available as a medicine legally in this country until 1937, and was sold as a nerve tonic -- but mankind has been using cannabis medicines much longer than that. Marijuana appears in almost every known book of medicine written by ancient scholars and wise men. It is usually ranked among the top medicines, called `panaceas', a word which means `cure-all'. The list of diseases which cannabis can be used for includes: multiple sclerosis, cancer treatment, AIDS (and AIDS treatment), glaucoma, depression, epilepsy, migraine headaches, asthma, pruritis, sclerodoma, severe pain, and dystonia.

There are over 60 chemicals in marijuana which may have medical uses. It is relatively easy to extract these into food or beverage, or into some sort of lotion, using butter, fat, oil, or alcohol. One chemical, cannabinol, may be useful to help people who cannot sleep.

The most well known use of marijuana today is to control nausea and vomiting.

Marijuana is also useful for fighting two other very serious and wide-spread disabilities. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, caused by uncontrollable eye pressure. Marijuana can control the eye pressure and keep glaucoma from causing blindness.


*It causes short-term memory problems (although this typically clears up once the person has quit smoking weed), and it causes lung cancer and other smoking-related diseases, just like  cigarettes.

*Long-term usage of marijuana may lead to addiction. This has harmful effects on social relationships with family, work, school and entertaining activities. It causes sleeplessness, decreased taste, bad temper and anxiety all of which make it hard to quit. Excessive use of marijuana causes depression, anxiety, suicidal desire and schizophrenia.

*Chronic use of marijuana, especially in youngsters causes risk of mental illness, vulnerability, and exposure to violence. The heart beat rate after abusing marijuana is increased by 20 to 80 percent and this effect can last for over 3 hours.

*Marijuana actually burns about 3x hotter than cigarettes witch would burn the hairs in your lungs faster witch will create cancerous cells to spread faster. It also coats the neurons in your brain in THC and wont allow the neurons to connect, basically saying that its going to make you dumb. And the only reason why you feel high when you smoke it is because the THC is choking your brain of oxygen as the result of the floaty goofy feeling.

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Item Reviewed: What are the advantages and disadvantages of weed? Description: What are the advantages and disadvantages of weed? Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Hritvik kunwar
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